
What is importance of air?

Air is a combination of gases with larger concentrations of gases like oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide and considerably lower concentrations of argon, water vapour, and other gases. The transparent gas is a place where life exists and breathes. Its form and volume are ambiguous. It's colourless and odourless. Since air is a substance, it has weight and mass. Atmospheric pressure is created by the weight of the air. The percentages of the various gases that make up air are as follows: 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 9% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and extremely trace quantities of other gases and water vapour. Animals need to breathe the oxygen in the air to engage in aerobic respiration. We take in oxygen, which travels to the lungs, where it is absorbed by blood capillaries and released together with carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is required by plants for photosynthesis. Crucial Air Applications Air is a natural resource that is plentiful. It is a necessary...